Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Workshops

Workshops are appropriate for fiction, memoir, and narrative non-fiction authors. Playwrights and screenwriters are also encouraged to attend.

Each workshop includes: 

  • hands-on exercises so writers can immediately apply concepts to their works-in-progress. 
  • new methods to approach rewrites, moving work towards a publishable/produceable manuscript.
  • tools for writers to use throughout their writing career.

Bring your manuscript (full or partial) or story idea to each workshop. These are interactive workshops, so be ready to write.

Each workshop is designed for the specific writers in attendance. A short phone interview prior to acceptance guarantees a personalized experience.

Readers want distinctive writing, not just interesting stories or complex characters. It's not just the story you tell, but how you tell it. Mastering a clear, unique voice can be the difference between a publishing deal and remaining buried in the slush pile.  This workshop identifies and strengthens your individual voice, helping each writer capitalize on their own distinctive writing style.

Readers want cohesive, compelling stories. It takes more than just a strong voice and interesting characters to make a manuscript work. The structure of a story is the platform upon which everything else is built. This workshop aids writers in honing their current underlying structure, reworking the current structure, or blowing up the current structure and replacing it with something new. Become the master of your own literary design.

Readers want characters they care about. Even the most interesting plot can fail to engage a reader if the characters are flat, unbelievable, or just plain "too stupid to live." This workshop focuses on how to delve deeper into the psychology of characters and mastering complex, multi-faceted characters readers love. 

Readers want dialogue that defines each character and moves the story forward. Uncover ways to heighten tension and create captivating characters through dynamic dialogue. Polish existing scenes or find new places to incorporate dialogue. Discover the difference between character and author voice and master how to make the most of both.   

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